September 15 - 19, 2015 (Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine)



September 18, 2015 (starting at 9-00)
red hall, Kotsiubinskogo str.2

Oral Presentations

The allocated time for oral presentations is 30’ for invited speakers (include the time required for the presenter to be introduced, the presentation (20/15 minutes) and questions/discussion time (10-15 minutes for each).

Therefore, the presentation itself should be no longer than 20’ for invited speakers. The presenters will have access to a PC-compatible (no Mac) laptop with an LCD projector. Please, bring your PowerPoint presentation to the meeting on a flash drive or CD in order to load it into the in-room laptops. You will not be able to use your own laptop for your presentation.

You can load your presentation to the conference laptop before the session. There will be a support staff member in conference room to help you.

Disign by Volodymyr Nikorych